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Yongtong Machinery

Guangdong Yongtong Crane Machinery Co.,Ltd Professional intelligent lifting solution service provider
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Necessary precautions to be taken during installation of bridge crane


This paper will comprehensively outline the necessary precautions to be taken when installing the overhead crane. The installation of bridge crane is a complex process, which requires specific professional and technical knowledge. It is important to take time to ensure that everything is done correctly to ensure the safety of the operator and the efficiency of the crane.

The first step to install the bridge crane is to arrange the crane installation area. This shall include any structure that may interfere with the operation of the crane, such as columns or walls. The layout shall also consider any other equipment near the crane, such as other heavy machinery, to ensure that all components will not interfere with each other.
Then, the crane shall be firmly fixed on the ground. This must be carried out correctly to avoid any potential accidents due to crane tipping. The crane shall also be installed on a horizontal surface, such as a concrete slab, to ensure that the crane moves in a straight line.
It is important to check all parts of the crane, such as mast, rigging and crane, to ensure that they are in correct working condition. Replace any worn or damaged parts before using the crane. In addition, according to the manufacturer's instructions, the crane should be connected to a power source, such as electricity and compressed air.
The next step is to test the crane to ensure its correct operation. This shall include testing of all components such as cranes, trolleys and crane booms. The maximum load capacity of the crane shall also be tested. The results of these tests shall be recorded.
After the crane is tested, its safety shall be checked. This should include checking whether the bolts, nuts and screws are loose, and checking the wiring of the crane. It is also important to ensure that the crane is properly grounded to avoid the risk of electric shock.
Finally, the crane must be regularly maintained to ensure its continued safe operation. This should include checking the crane for worn or damaged parts, lubricating moving parts, and performing any other maintenance recommended by the manufacturer.
In short, the installation of bridge crane is a complex process, which requires professional knowledge and technical knowledge. Necessary precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of the operator and the efficiency of the crane. This includes properly arranging the installation area, firmly fixing the crane on the ground, inspecting all parts, testing the crane, and performing regular maintenance. By taking the time to ensure that everything is completed correctly, the crane can be safely installed and will continue to operate safely.

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