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Yongtong Machinery

Guangdong Yongtong Crane Machinery Co.,Ltd Professional intelligent lifting solution service provider
0757-23357118 0757-23832122

Introduction to types and characteristics of bridge crane


There are three main types of bridge cranes: cantilever crane, gantry crane and bridge crane. The jib crane is used for small loads and is installed on the wall or ceiling, while the gantry crane moves along the horizontal track and can carry heavier loads. The bridge crane is suspended from the ceiling and used to carry large goods.


Each type of bridge crane has its unique characteristics. The jib crane is light in weight and easy to move. It is an ideal choice for small loads and small spaces.

Gantry crane is the most common bridge crane, usually used in outdoor environment. This type of crane is most suitable for heavy loads because it can carry up to 10 tons of weight. The bridge crane is designed to move large and heavy goods and can carry up to 250 tons of weight. They are most commonly used in industrial environments.


In terms of safety, all types of bridge cranes must comply with strict engineering regulations to ensure the safety of operators and their surrounding personnel. The jib crane must be equipped with an emergency stop button to stop its movement immediately in case of an emergency. The gantry crane must also be equipped with limit switch to prevent overload. The bridge crane must be checked regularly to ensure that all components work properly.

In general, bridge cranes are essential mechanical equipment in many industries. Jib cranes are suitable for small loads and narrow spaces, gantry cranes are suitable for heavier loads, and bridge cranes are suitable for large and heavy loads.

All types of bridge cranes must comply with strict safety regulations to ensure the safety of operators and their surrounding personnel.

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